24 March 2010

Preparing for Eternity

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Today Sister Susan Easton Black spoke at the Brigham Young University-Idaho Devotional. She taught about the last week of Christ's mortal life. She told of the symbolic events that fulfilled prophecies and brought about the gospel declared in the pre-mortal councils of heaven.

I am so glad that I know of the mission and life of Jesus Christ and its significance. This life is one of eternal value, our potential goes far beyond the graves of this earth. We are to become as Jesus Christ is. We are to return to the presence of our God and Father having gained experience and been cleansed by Christ, our Savior.

We are to prepare for eternity in this life that we can only know as finite. If the thought has never crossed your mind that this life is only a small time away from celestial worlds and from God, please take time to think about it. If you have never wondered why things are the way they are or if there is any purpose to our existence, try to imagine a Father of godly glory who loves you. If you can picture Him, imagine that you can talk to Him. What would you say? What questions would you have? Do you believe that He would answer if you spoke to Him?

I know that He lives. I am His daughter and my potential is that of divinity. I speak with Him and know that He hears me. He has answered me, guided me, counseled me. I love Him.

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