Lately I've been wondering if I need to change the lens I look through to view anxiety. I seen it as unnecessary worry based on fallacies of thought. Something that moves me toward self-fulfilled prophecies of self-destruction and melt downs.
I was reading something that quoted D&C 58:27, "Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;"
It caused me to wonder why I should be anxiously engaged in good. Why doesn't it say deliberately engaged or excitedly engaged?
I began to look at other scripture that cites anxiety. Some made me feel yearning, some hope, some sorrow with a desire for hope. Overall, this short study made me question what the purpose of anxiety is.
I am still reflecting on it. Do I engage in good causes despite anxiety or because of it? Do I harness the energy of my anxiety to action or in-action? I currently feel that anxiety propels me to actions based in fear, shame and irrational thinking. So what needs to change? Is my perspective of anxiety and its purpose just completely off?
D&C 58:27- "For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves."
Con mucho amor,
~Anna K. Morales