Today I listened to a BYU-I Devotional by Sheri Dew given in March of this year, it is entitled Will You Engage in the Wrestle?
Several weeks ago I had heard a clip someone posted to social media and had acted on it. In the clip I watched, she gave out the following invitation, "[T]here are two questions that will help open the heavens. First, ask the Lord to teach you what it feels and sounds like for you when He is speaking to you via the Holy Ghost, and then watch how He tutors you. And, second, if you've never asked the Lord how He feels about you, that is a great question to ask. In time, He will tell you, and as He does, you'll learn more about speaking His language."
I had never asked either of those questions, and you know what? Asking how he speaks to me changed the way I pray. I found that He will respond in real time if I give Him a moment to do so. Before I would pray without pause, end the prayer, listen for any impression, then go about my day- trying to keep pondering my prayer and looking for answers in the scriptures.
Now I have a conversation asking questions and listening to responses in the same moment. I found that Heavenly Father guides me to certain scriptures, or comforts me, or gives me direct answers as I take time to listen.
After talking to my good friend, who mentioned other portions of this devotional, I decided to listen to it entirely. I felt so much confirmation that as I am leaving the bonds of anxiety and fear, my questions and seeking credible help is the correct approach. Scripture study, attentive prayer, family, professional help, and inspired friends have all been tools/resources that have lifted me. But also, learning to ask the right questions has opened doors to healing.
I used to have a math teacher that would give an example and then set us to work. She would go around waiting for someone to need her then simply point out where you went awry in your calculations. You were then responsible to go back and do the work until you understood and solved the problem. From this experience I learned to ask, in math, "Where did I miss something?" rather than say, "I don't get it, help me."
This devotional talk reminded me of that experience and I feel it is a lesson I need now as I battle habits. I love that her points focus around questions being a faithful persons way of seeking truth, but that it is a wrestle it takes work and dedicated labor to receive answers through revelation.
I am reminded of a scripture when King Limhi says, "O ye, my people, lift up your heads and be comforted; for behold, the time is at hand, or is not far distant, when we shall no longer be in subjection to our enemies, notwithstanding our many strugglings, which have been in vain; yet I trust there remaineth an effectual struggle to be made." Mosiah 7:18
I know that fear and anxiety are enemies to whom I have been subject. I no longer only cry out to the Lord for help, I am letting Him know I am willing to engage in an effectual struggle. By asking specific questions looking for His wisdom, I am opening the door for learning the Lord's way. I am willing for His ways to affect all aspects of my life, starting with the way I think and problem solve. I am ready to "cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." (Doctrine & Covenants 123:17), by first seeking to know what lies in my power with intent to act on the answer.
Con mucho amor,
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