I discussed with my good friend, Jane, how I might trust God in a way that recognizes my fears (realistic or not) and allows my faith to lead my fears to the Lord. She reminded me that Heavenly Father not only hears my petitions for my family but loves me enough to desire my same desires for my family.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught that "[faith] cannot violate another person's agency....[nor] force our will upon God."
What do I want from Life and God? Specifically, at this moment, I want our vehicles to sell so that we can pay off some debt and not go into more debt to pay the $585 and $85 fees that we need to turn in with our 601-A application. And, I want this application to be approved. Both rely on decisions made by other people. I questioned if my faith that these things could happen might be erroneous. That perhaps I should not have faith in something that is up to the chances of people's choices.
I respectfully negate that question because I know that there are good people in all aspects of life. What I ask is that those be the people whose eyes see or ears hear of our ads to sell the cars. I ask that the good people working in Immigration will be those that receive, review, and approve our application.
I thought about what my faith is based in; 1- Jesus Christ makes Life, Progression, and Change possible. 2- My ability to become the me I currently can't see. 3- That there is a law, an eternal law, that with no beginning exists: All things will work together for my good because I love and serve God.
That reminded me of a post I wrote a few years ago that I'd like to share part of with you.
28 September 2013
" a Fear not to do b good, my sons, for whatsoever ye c sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow d good ye shall also reap good for your e reward." Doctrine and Covenants 6:33.
I find that when I do good things, however small, the greatest blessing I have is contentedness. I find myself to be more joyful. I am able to recognize the good things that others do, however small. The good things they do bring gladness to my life, hope when thinking of my children's future, and opportunity to resolve to be a better me.
Don't be afraid to speak the kind thoughts. Don't fear the kind gesture or good intent, the Lord will make everything alright.
The promises of these scriptures are real and it moves me to hope, to trust that Heavenly Father will take all things that affect my life and He will orchestrate a grand symphony. He will not dismiss my righteous desires and I will not dismiss His ability to turn fear, anxiety, depression, worry, and heartbreak into a life more beautiful than I can imagine.
Con mucho amor,
~Anna K. Morales
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