13 October 2010

Hats off to Rachael

I am at work.  I know, I should be working.  It's just been a terribly long day, with little work.  So I am in this little office, with little to do.  I talked to Cuauhtemoc during his breaks like 5 times today.  Heehe.  On other days like this I dream up choreography and listen to music, make plans and file my heart away.  But today, I just didn't have the notion to do so.  I started reading off my blog list and read Rachael's.  Bless her heart.  Really- Rachael your blog just made me happy!  We should be in love with life.  I should be in love with the fact that I can be blessed with a job while we get settled here. I have been prepared to help this company out, even though I never knew that would be happening. So Rachael this is Cuauhtemoc's and my love list:

1- Eating ice cream together, right out of the container.
2- Having a bed.
3- Pretending to speak Italian in Spanish.
4- Watching the news while cuddling - how romantic.
5- Reading from Proverbs once a day.
6- Helping friends just because we think they are our family.
7- Cooking accidents - Megan, I can't imagine what it would have been like if we hadn't cooked together last year.
8- Sleeping in on Saturdays.
9- Serving with ALL our heart, might, mind, and strength even when I feel like I fall short.
10- Making plans - all sorts: babies, travel, school, career, serving missions, you name it.

So here's to Rachael and loving life!

1 comment:

  1. how come you are sooo sweet??! i was so flabbergastingly flattered with i saw my shout out!! i am tickled pink and beyond:] i'm so glad my little note touched your heart and made you feel love and happiness!! that makes mee feel soo good. i just adore your love list. it really is the little things that bring us joy every day.

    you are wonderful!!!!!
