05 February 2016

Defining Success

Today I found a post on  Today's the Best Day, a blog I stumbled upon.

10 Habits Of A Successful Mom

Reading Danielle's post made me reflect on what success is.  All too often we define success by looking outward.  We may compare ourselves to Mom's that somehow stay super trendy or have amazing planning skills- healthy meals anyone?  I've watched longingly in the 'window' of friends homes who have routine down pat.  I am learning though that to find success we must look inward through our own windows.

Now, this can be scary, to look at yourself from a different perspective.  I have indeed seen things through my window that shook me.  Especially as I have felt depressed, but I was also surprised at how many good things I see happening in my home.  There is enough good to make some changes bearable.  If you look at yourself and home from this point of view, I guarantee that you will not notice so much if your kitchen is spotless or if your hair looked good or not.  You will notice whether or not your children feel loved or ignored.  One of the negative things I noticed was that my children would play "phone" but it wasn't just talking it was pretending to look at things on their phone, to play videos on their phone.  It really hit me hard that there was such a disconnect on my side.  Do they really see me doing this so much that they are learning it is how life is?  I am addressing this issue, however, that is just one side of the coin.

I also found so much joy in sharing things that I love with them!  We do a ballet/creative movement class occasionally.  I used to not like teaching toddlers, but now I love it.  They follow with such precision and call me "Maestra" (teacher).  It's so cute.  Sofia has amazing form and the perfect feet for dancing.  Lilly has artistry and will make your insides hurt when she dances so dramatically. Another thing they enjoy is becoming artisans of jewelry.  My friend and I are working to build our inventory so my girls have been 'helping' me.  Sofia has also begun to make her own bed and organize her room. They both love to empty the dishwasher as well.  I saw that I successfully taught them both to brush their own teeth, and to do it well.

So, as I hope you see from the positive examples,  Not everything you're doing is a failure.  Looking through my window, I found that my struggles are valid.  Bedtime and cleanliness are real and valid struggles.  They are hard for me.  But this is where you can look for answers so that weak things may become strong things.

As I suggested in my last post, we really do have to reach out for help sometimes.  And it can be so good to watch others interact with our children.  You will see how much 'right' you really do and have the opportunity to learn from others as well.

We all can do hard things.  It is in them that we will find our successes.  Keep pushing forward in faith and cheerfulness!

Con mucho amor,

~Anna K. Morales

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